Who will invest in a citrus factory? Who will raise awareness of the dire need to invest in a citrus factory in this Nature Island? Who will save the next generation of young farmers/ young citrus planters? It is a fact that many of our young farmers/ young citrus planters are discouraged over the wastage of citrus, year after year, in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Citrus is one of the tree crops grown mainly because of its juice and apart from the local demand in many countries, there still exist export markets for citrus fruits. But who is brave enough to confront such a challenge especially when world economies are not at their peak? At this time, we need courageous investors who would begin the process of critically exploring and evaluating such possibilities.

Just think for a moment how wonderful it would have been, if farmers/ young citrus planters were able to generate some revenue for their families by providing fresh citrus everyday to that citrus factory. Today, quite a number of people are struggling to make ends meet and as a society, we must be open to avenues that would impact positively on the lives of every citizen. Therefore, we need to encourage persons to go back to that "rich top soil" which God has blessed us with. We need to encourage more citrus planters in Dominica. But persons will not go back to that "rich top soil" nor will they become citrus planters especially if markets for export or consumption are not readily stable. There must be a consistent market for all.

Too many of our local citrus are being wasted year after year. In fact, some people are of the view that we seem to be great "talkers" in Dominica, but not always a people of action. Look at all the mangoes that are being wasted; look at all the oranges and grapefruits that are wasted; look at all the guavas and cherries that are being wasted; etc. When will we open our eyes! A citrus factory is needed in Dominica.

Investing in a citrus factory would create more opportunities for all citizens in this beautiful Nature Isle. But who will take up such a challenge?