Joshua Francis, the United Workers Party (UWP) candidate for the Roseau South constituency, has promised proper drainage, sporting facilities and jobs to the communities of Bath Estate, Elsmhall and Silver Lake.

"First and foremost Team Dominica is a party which has the will, the will to overcome all the obstacles, all obstructions, all hurdles that have been placed in our way to recover sectors to build and resuscitate the economy, to reclaim agriculture, to re-empower our young people, to rebuild sports and patriotism and pride in this country," said Francis at a party meeting at Bath Estate last week. "Under my leadership in Roseau South there are a number of things we need to address, here in Bath Estate we have a drainage issue, we will urgently get our engineers, our consultants to determine how we are going to determine how we are going to improve drainage in Bath Estate so when there is a flood no family have to flee form their houses."

He continued: "Under my leadership I will ensure that the river defense wall is constructed…so the people who live on the dead-end area will have that comfort when it rains; I know when it rains heavily many of you all doesn't sleep well because you are afraid that your houses will be flooded

"I am saying to you the young people of bath Estate we Team Dominica love sports; that is why under my leadership we will ensure that we reconfigure that playing field right at my back…We will ensure that the people of Bath Estate have the best sporting facilities and in that respect under my leadership I will ensure that the people of Bath Estate will get a proper basketball court".