TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- Iran and Venezuela agreed on Saturday to upgrade and diversify their relations in all areas.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the two nations to work more closely to counter the fall of the crude price. He described the recent plunge in oil price as politically motivated.

"Our common enemies use oil as a political tool and they have a role in the sharp fall of the oil prices," Khamenei said in a meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro.

The top Iranian leader said the cooperation between two countries should go beyond oil sector and the two sides should further promote two-way trade and mutual investment.

Khamenei hailed what he called the "brave" political position of Venezuela against Israeli attacks on the Palestinians, adding that Tehran is determined to continue its mutually-beneficial relations and cooperation with the Latin American country.

For his part, Maduro called the confidence between the two countries as "a valuable asset" for developing their relations.

He called on the two countries to further enhance their ties, adding that "we are trying to reach a consensus among the OPEC member states and other oil producing countries including Russia to control the falling price of oil."

Also on Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, while meeting with Maduro, urged to boost bilateral ties with Venezuela in various areas, which is on the agenda of his government.

The Islamic republic is ready to export goods, technical and engineering services and to invest in Venezuela, and can cooperate with the Latin American country to meet its needs in housing and road constructions as well as food and medicine industries, Rouhani said.

The Iranian president also hoped that Maduro's visit will help enhance mutual trade, promote collaboration in marine industries, and facilitate the launch of a joint airline to boost tourism.

"With no doubt, cooperation among the member states of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will offset the plots of some powers against the OPEC, and will help the establishment of an acceptable oil prices for 2015," Rouhani said.

Venezuela can serve as a platform for the transfer of Iran's goods and services to other Latin American countries, the Iranian president said.

He also noted that it is key to strengthen regulations on banking and financial transactions for further mutual economic cooperation.

The two leaders also agreed that both Iran and Venezuela are against terrorism and extremism, and are working together to promote security and stability in the world.

Venezuela wants durable relations with Iran in all areas, particularly in political and economic sectors, Maduro said.

He called on Iran's firms to invest in housing, medicine and auto-making projects in his country. The Venezuelan president also urged all the oil exporting countries to help restore the stability in oil prices.

Nicolas Maduro arrived in Iran on Friday for an official visit, and planned to hold talks with senior Iranian officials on a range of bilateral and international issues.

The Venezuelan leader is also expected to visit more OPEC members, including Saudi Arabia, to discuss the oil market slump.