A young entrepreneur determined to bring more recognition to the homegrown industries in the South East is using her talent to promote her business and those of other entrepreneurs.

Sherne Jno Finn-Vigilant is the proud owner of Divine Elegance Print and Craft Shop. This company offers custom packaging, gift baskets, candy baskets, and prints on mugs, glasses, pillowcases and more.

Jno-Finn-Vigilant told The Sun she has always had a creative spark and is thrilled to explore it on her terms.

"I am an innovative person; I like to create things with my hands, and I like to think outside the box; therefore, I love doing craftwork," she said. "In addition, I always liked working for myself and being my boss, to be creative in my own space and way."

In the two years of running her own business, Jno Finn-Vigilant, says the experience has been well worth it.

"It has its challenges, but it is a fun and learning experience, where I find out what to do, how to do it, and all thanks to DYBT for motivating me to get trained and acquire more knowledge."

Sherne's gratitude to those who have encouraged and supported this venture has led to her doing the same for other up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

"My enterprise just launched a new programme called Business to Business, where young entrepreneurs, or persons wanting to be, would receive help," Sherne explained. "If you are just starting your business and want business cards, or equipment that is easy to reach but can't afford, we may be able to assist." Jno Finn-Vigilant also makes it a duty to thank those who have helped her on this journey.

"All glory to God firstly, my husband Kireem Vigilant, my family Eva and Curtis Vigilant, Corinthia Serrant and Ronald Jno Finn, The Remnant Team, Joanna Gabrian, Latoya Francis, Sandy Laurent, Kelly Hector, and Julie Ann Charles," she said.

On that note, Sherne's advice to those who want to enter the field of entrepreneurship is: "To start, don't say you want to; just start. You can purchase the smallest item you may need, get your business name, design, logo, and business card out there and prepare yourself."

Sherne also offers some financial insight for those still in doubt.

"Persons may say they are not financially able. From whatever source of income you already have, put some aside in savings until your business becomes sustainable and can afford to run for itself."

Jno Finn-Vigilant says the response from the people thus far has given further confidence that she is on the right track.

"The feedback has been good; we have overseas clients who are always interested in what we sell them. So, our business is for Dominica and other parts of the world."

The future of Divine Elegance Print and Craft Shop looks promising as Sherne is positioning herself to create employment for people in La Plaine and the South East by extension.

This is a crucial area of focus for Sherne as she hosted the first-ever Entrepreneur Expo/Fun Day in the South East.

"That is why I teamed up with DYBT to host that event in La Plaine on 07th May," she said. "The aim was to showcase the people who have businesses and give them a little more spotlight so people know they are functional in the South East. In addition, it is an avenue for small businesses to bring out their skills to the market."

This businesswoman genuinely believes while Dominica is small, the growing number of local entrepreneurs can receive support from the wider population.

"There is enough potential," she said. "Access to markets may be small, but with the type of potential these entrepreneurs have, there is a chance to increase the awareness that small businesses need support from the public."