By Simeon Joseph
It is said that "Teachers are like candles, which consumes themselves to brighten the lives of other." I am proud to identify myself a former student of Mikey Bruney. Undoubtedly, he was one of the best teachers that I had in my time as a student at the Dominica Grammar School. Mikey taught me Drama and literature in first form and Mathematics in second to third form.
Yet one of the most indelible memories of Mickey was after Hurricane David when he accompanied a group of students from Dominica to continue our schooling at Capesterre, Belle- Eau in Guadeloupe.
Although he was the teacher who accompanied us to that foreign land, (many of us for the first time being away from our parents) he was more than an educator, all of us can certainly say that he was also a father, uncle, big brother, mother and superb caretaker and friend for each us:
I do recall on three occasions when he journeyed to Dominica to serve as a courier for our messages between ourselves and our parents.
Beyond this he was also a gentleman, a humanitarian, a good listener, with a large sympathetic and empathetic heart, he cared for all his students. Never forgetting them even beyond our years as students. This rings true of another saying which is "Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" Personally, for me he introduced me to many areas of life outside of schooling, including debating, acting, hiking and various other soft skills that I am sure many of his former students can also attest to.
He had an unconditional regard for every student and served as a determined motivator to many of us, never accepting any excuse from any of us but instead was persistent in challenging us to achieve beyond our own expectations. Always willing to give advice. Thus, I may agree with yet another quote from a student which states. "I may not remember what my teacher said but I'll never forget my teacher's voice"
We have lost someone who is has left many footprints on the sand of time on the portals of the Dominican landscape.
I can say that we have lost someone who has left a mark on many students, many of us who were fortunate to have had him as our teacher.
We have lost a friend and a teacher who has made a lasting impression on our lives. We have lost a human being par excellence who gave unconditional love and acceptance.
Mikey, you epitomized values and attributes which are most sought after in our society today - "To the world you may be a teacher but to your students you were a hero"