
What is your worth?

What is your value?

You who embody the totality of all known and unnamed colors of the universe

in your sun kissed dark tones.

Who are as organic and aromatic as flowers, herbs

Delectable as coconut


What is your worth?

Modern man is perplexed for they are unable to quantify your economic contribution

peering into known human history.


What is your value?

You who brought forth nations via the fruit of your loins,

Nourished and cradled civilizations at your breasts.


Who art thou?


What is your worth?

Regardless of your abilities, talents, capacities

You fight the good fight,

Toil on to ensure what's needed is done.


What is your worth?

Are you worthy of respect from your fellow man and woman regardless of hue, status, wealth?


How resilient are you,

When you're expected to endure abuse, oppression, disrespect, rejection, deception


Confronted with the great expectation of 'shut up and bear it!'


Do you feel?

Do you feel hurt, pain like others do?

Do you long for joy, peace, requited love?

It's a given you find pleasure in beauty, music, your children, friendship

What other pleasures do you seek? Need? Crave?


It's not easy being you is it,

Shouldering humanity demands much,

As such,

Your integrity, wisdom, discernment, knowledge, intuition, grace, mercy, strength

Underpins mankind.


If you slip and lose your character, essence, energy, spirit, truth

The world would suffer and cry out for the love of its mother.


The natural manifestation of the nurturing, compassionate, supportive element of God.

The Almighty's creation,

That which is part of and completes man.


For without you what would be man?

An incomplete, lost, lonely being.

Vanity it is when man ascribes value to a shiny rock rather than you.

The audacity and foolishness of man.


Compromise not.

Be not deceived for though many lack the capacity to recognize your worth,

Do not change.

Be that rock of refuge for those dearest to you

Continue to stand

Lest humanity disintegrate into nothingness,

Purposeless, meaningless, wasteful lives.

Becoming an enemy of nature and a regret of the Creator.


Not the one who knows not her worth,

But you who strive to sustain and not diminish it


Continue to stand against all odds,

In the hope that man would arise from his slumber of ego, greed, foolishness, lust, hate

And join you to salvage our one common home.


What is your worth?