Businesses are experiencing a moment where the decisions they make today and their ability to respond tomorrow will define who they are and what matters to their consumers, employees and owners. In addition to the resources contained in the Enterprise Pandemic Plan Template, here is a list of 10 priorities organisations can take to adequately handle the Coronavirus pandemic.

  1. Implement disease prevention measures in the workplace as recommended by public health authorities such as refraining from standard touch greetings, providing ready access to soap/water and alcohol-based rubs, supplying anti-bacterial wipes to clean workplace surfaces and using touch-free disposable receptacles, if necessary.

  2. Provide proactive and regular communications to the workforce regarding proper hygiene, disease prevention measures and pandemic preparedness practices as recommended by public health authorities and TOSHID.

  3. Advise employees on how they can leverage the benefits of their health plan including home-care visit options.

  4. Provide guidance to employees about work-at-home options, and the utilization of accumulated paid vacation when not able to work. Other paid and unpaid leave options should be discussed.

  5. Review incentive plans that are impacted by the inability to conduct regular business in affected locations and communicate to employees how this will be managed. For example, overtime pay, meal allowances, etc.

  6. Evaluate any potential impact to short-term incentive plans if there is a business disruption and determine strategy for managing any adjustments. For example, sales commission, productivity bonus, spiffs, etc.

  7. Modify or provide flexibility with your paid vacation consistent with public health guidance and determine how to handle any waivers to the policies if needed. Some pre-approved vacation dates may need to be changed.

  8. Review short-term and long-term staffing capabilities and determine "essential/core services" for the workforce in the event of higher workplace absences. Relook the primary activities of your value chain.

  9. Partner with HR to develop or review organizational contingency/business continuity/pandemic plans and emergency management policy and ensure managers have proper training on these plans.

  10. Partner with HR to determine whether any international travel plans should be modified and confirm benefits available to those who are abroad on business.