The Bull is back, and this time for good.

Val "Young Bull" Cuffy, once the head honcho of the Dominica Festivals Committee (DFC) until he finally left in an acrimonious split some seven years ago, is due to be back to lead the state agency.

Official sources told The Sun that the Roosevelt Skerrit cabinet has already approved Cuffy's return and an official announcement could be made as early as this week.

The sources could not reveal the title of the post because none of them had seen the proposed contract, which The Sun was told had not yet been signed.

However, there was agreement among them that Cuffy will be the leader of the pack, taking charge in the role that St. Lucian Claudine Springer had before quitting as executive director last year, just three months after taking up the post.

"[He'll] lead the DFC in charge of events and festivals," one source told The Sun.

"He'll be on full-time."

Back in April 2010, Cuffy stepped out of the virtual bullring, ending a rather tempestuous relationship with the DFC, an organization he had run since 2006.

Those close to him described his treatment back then as something akin to being corralled for a long time, then transported along a narrow cobbled street to the bullring for slaughter, a banderilla already thrust deep into his neck.

Two years earlier, as executive director of what was then the Dominica Festivals Commission, Cuffy had been sent packing in a rather unceremonious manner.

"The permanent secretary called Val into her office and told him to pack his bag because Cabinet has decided he was to go," a source told The Sun at the time.

However, two months later, Cuffy was back as "head bull" of the revamped DFC in the role of events director.

Still there were reports of constant clashes between Cuffy and Colin Piper, the chief executive officer of Discover Dominica, the statutory agency responsible for the DFC, and, having had enough, Cuffy quit.

However, they have reconciled now and have demonstrated the ability to work together successfully.

Cuffy might have lost some of his ferocity, but not his desire. He might have toned done his ferociousness, but has upped his skills. He might have redirected his aggressiveness but he certainly has not lost the knack to get things done.

Signs of a détente began to emerge when the Bull was engaged last year to direct the World Creole Music Festival, and again this year to be in charge of running carnival.

"As somebody who led the DFC for three to four years, he certainly was competent to do the job," Piper had told The Sun after Young Bull's reengagement earlier this year.

In fact, there are people in high places who wanted Cuffy back permanently, one source had told The Sun, referring to Robert Tonge, the minister of tourism, to whom Discover Dominica reports. However, Cuffy had refused to discuss the possibility of a long-term arrangement at the time.

"I cannot say that yet. I work under my GFC syndrome - God, family and country - so whenever the country calls I am willing to serve," he had said.

When he agreed to assist with organising carnival this year, Young Bull did not take a salary, instead requesting that a contribution be made to the Roman Catholic cathedral building fund.

However, this is different. And although there was no word on the terms of the contract, the Bull is back, but not to the slaughter.