Dominica remains one of the most natural health areas worldwide, but residents suffer from diseases that impair their quality of life. Natural and conventional health practitioners report that diabetes, hypertension and prostate disease are the leading ailments afflicting Dominicans. The herbal practitioners at Rootz Herbal Wilderness Gardens treat these conditions more than others.

Fortunately, Dominica houses some of the most effective natural remedies for these conditions. Treatment options include herbal medicines, lifestyle adjustments, and awareness of activities that impact these conditions.

In the case of prostate disease, medical doctors and local herbal practitioners promote stinging nettle root "Urtica dioica", locally called zooti, for treating difficulty urinating, enlarged prostate (benign prostate hyperplasia), testicular pain and obstruction to urinary flow.

For centuries, herbal practitioners in Africa, Asia and the Americas highlighted the anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antibacterial properties of zooti, used to fight infections and modulate the immune system. Zooti is also the choice herb for treating prostate disease. The success of Dominican herbalists aligns with scientific research, which reports that using zooti to treat prostate disease leads to significant improvements in urinary frequency, urgency, and night urination.

Boil two tablespoons of dry zooti in 8 ounces of water for 5 minutes, infuse for an hour and drink the tea twice daily.

This regimen fights infection and blocks hormone-related chemical processes linked to an enlarged prostate. When zooti is ingested, the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is stopped or slowed as chemical compounds in zooti inhibit the enzymes necessary for conversion.

Key compounds in zooti reduce the sensitivity of inhibiting enzymes and androgen receptors, lowering testosterone levels and reducing symptoms caused by excess testosterone. Trials at Rootz Herbal in Dominica and large randomized scientific studies reveal that zooti use has a better impact in reducing clinical symptoms and greater success in relieving patent symptoms. In studies published by Azad University of Gachsaran and Islamic Azad University, zooti is highly recommended because of its safety related to side effects and patient tolerance.

At Rootz Herbal, local practitioner Deja reiterates that Dominicans suffering from prostate-related conditions have "an extensively tested treatment with proven efficacy" in their backyards.

Dominicans also have reliable options for treating diabetes and hypertension.

A cup of cerassie (Momordica charantia) tea, locally called pomkooli, infusing dried leaves and stems, may lower blood sugar and blood pressure while helping with digestion, killing parasites and worms and cleansing drug-related toxins.

Like zooti, two tablespoons of the dried pomkooli should be boiled in about 8 ounces of water for approximately 5 minutes and infused for an hour. The tea should be strained and drunk in 4-ounce portions twice daily.

Pomkooli is native to Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean but is now grown worldwide because of its success in treating diabetes and hypertension.

Blue vervain (Verbena hastata), also in Dominican backyards, has seen global cultivation efforts because of its diabetes-mitigating effects.

Blue Vervain must be dried and boiled to make tea. It has been used for millennia as a tonic to strengthen organs like the kidneys, lungs, liver, and intestines and for soothing the nervous system. Dominican herbalists regard this strengthening property as a first step in addressing hypertension, advising that blue vervain alongside a plan for lifestyle adjustments leads to significant and sustained reductions in blood pressure levels.

Like with zooti and pomkooli, about two tablespoons of dried blue vervain should be boiled in about 8 ounces of water for 5 minutes, infused for an hour, then strained and drunk in 4-ounce portions twice daily under the guidance of an herbal practitioner and in consultation with medical personnel. The ability of blue vervain to reduce blood pressure levels requires that it be taken under the guidance of an experienced practitioner who can direct and monitor use and related results. Blue vervain should not be taken with other pharmaceutical drugs as its effectiveness in treating hypertension could interfere with synthetic pharmaceutical medicines for blood pressure.

Dominica is an oasis of natural herbal options for wellness and positive health outcomes.