Holmes heads new Family Empowerment Movement Inc.
Family Empowerment Movement Inc. is a Family Organization/Company that originated from a Counselling Course at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Dominica Open Campus. The students, during Semester One (September to December 2018), discussed the importance and empowerment of families and the issues that impact the growth and development of families in Dominica.
During those discussions the class decided to form a group to address the needs and concerns of families and most importantly to help Dominican families to build on positive family values and to discover and maintain best practices. The first meeting paved the way for a more meaningful contribution to the positive development of our Dominican families and consequently there was the developing idea of forming an official Organization or Company.
Consequently, the need arose to pursue the establishment of an official Registered Company under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica. After securing the relevant information and application, this Group was officially Registered on February 22nd, 2019, under the Companies Act of 1994 of Dominica as the Family Empowerment Movement Inc. with Thomas Holmes as the Chairman, Eric James as the Deputy Chairman and Alicia Griffith as the Secretary.
Kimone Joseph, Head of UWI Dominica Open Campus was very instrumental from the inception of the idea of this Organization and she provided valuable advice and direction and she also provided the Organization with a UWI Dominica liaise personnel and a venue for activities.
The main Aim of Family Empowerment Movement Inc. is to provide counselling intervention and other significant services that will assist families in developing and maintaining healthy family relations and values, built on love, respect, positive communication and understanding. Three main Objectives include providing counselling intervention for family members, equipping families with relevant skills including Parenting Skills and Interpersonal Skills, and providing technical and financial support for needy families.
Family Empowerment Movement Inc. anticipates being a voice for all families by being present in promoting values and productive activities within families in the Dominican society and, very importantly, to be supportive when families and the Nation are in need in times of challenges and difficulties. As a group of counselors the Organization will engage families in counselling intervention sessions to enhance effective, working family groupings. We envisage seeking financial and technical interventions and support through collaboration with local, regional and international institutions and entities.
This new Organization is requesting the support of all Dominicans both here, locally, and in the diaspora. Uppermost: United we stand and divided we fall. Dominica needs strong, vibrant and cohesive families in the face of a challenging and ever-changing global society. Dominica is ours to build through healthy families.
The Organization's Mission and Vision Statements are:
Mission Statement: Create a vibrant environment to advocate and provide support to ensure healthy families where love, caring and respect will dwell to promote positive Nation building.
Vision Statement: To engage families in continued growth and development through dynamic support.
Three main Principles of the Organization are:
The spiritual beliefs the family holds as important can contribute to positive livelihood and peaceful co-existence;
The family is the basic unit of society and as such should be strengthened and must experience healthy relationships and unity; and
Advocate that everyone must enjoy Gender Equality and Social Justice, without hindrances.
This new Organization will be collaborating with significant existing Institutions and establishments in Dominica including: CariMAN, Dominica National Council of Women (DNCW), The Welfare Division, Ministry of Ecclesiastical, Family and Gender Affairs, Ministry of Education, the Dominica Police Force, and the Dominica Cancer Society, among others. The
Executive Members includes: Thomas Holmes,Chairman; Eric James, Deputy Chairman; Alicia Griffith, Secretary; Glenda Rolle-Irish, Treasurer; Dahlila Lee, Secretary/Treasurer; Christel Lambert, PRO; Adolphus Christian,PRO; Elizabeth Lewis,PRO.
Committee Members:Jennifer Baron-Toussaint; Debra Charles-Mark; Jenea Renault; Mary Julien Winston; Ann Taylor.