As COVID-19 figures continue to skyrocket out of control locally, opposition parties are expressing their solidarity with the citizens of Dominica.

The Executive of the United Workers Party (UWP)-TEAM Dominica empathized with the Dominican citizenry and specifically extended solidarity to front-line workers who have been battling the COVID-19 surge.

"We express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all front-line workers as they continue to devote time and energy to contain this pandemic. We will continue to offer our services as we have always done to help in your effort to mitigate the impact of an unprecedented health emergency," the party stated in a press release.

UWP who said it has from the onset played an active role in the fight to curb, then eradicate the threat of COVID-19 affecting the island through its mass education drives as well as delivery of supplies to the vulnerable during this crisis, vows that it will continue to be proactive in its efforts as the fight continues.

According to the UWP, it once again places the expertise of its team members in crisis management, public health administration, logistics and public affairs communication, at the disposal of the Government in the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The main opposition encouraged every Dominican to continue adhering to the COVID- 19 protocols issued by the Ministry of Health as well as obeying the Curfew Orders proclaimed by His Excellency the President of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

For its part, the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) expressed concern over the recent spike in COVID- 19 infections and apparent incidents of community transmission while expressing its prayers and best wishes to individuals and communities affected and hopes for their speedy recovery.

"Infectious diseases such as the coronavirus are a tipping point phenomenon where things deteriorate rapidly once a critical threshold is hit," the DFP pointed out in a release. "We should not allow that to happen. We encourage everyone to cooperate fully with the authorities to protect lives."

According to the once-dominant party, political or ideological wrangling should have no place in this matter and those contacted via tracing should be cooperative, not confrontational.

The DFP further stressed that this is not a fight we have with each other; however, the fight is out there against this deadly disease.

"We must not stand opposite to each other arguing about vaccinations or trying to score political points over this pandemic. We should instead be standing shoulder to shoulder figuring out our joint solutions to defeat this deadly enemy," the release stated, further adding that one of the chief weapons against this deadly virus is vaccination.

Highlighting its solidarity with the scientific and medical communities who appeal to reason, data, and science in combating and defeating this ruinous disease, the DFP once again threw its support behind the vaccination rollout and cautioned that partisan politics should be left out and the administration of the vaccine and be left to health professionals.

Meanwhile, Dominica's newest political party, the Alternative Peoples' Party (APP) is calling on all residents of Dominica to cooperate with the authorities in their efforts to manage the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"Let us all, therefore, play a leading role in preventing community spread and take this development seriously," the APP also stated in its release to the media.

The APP strongly urged that citizens partner with the government in this effort and called on the authorities to see the people as partners in the effort and treat them as such.

"It is important to note that a COVID-19- free Dominica is our collective responsibility and a non-partisan duty," the leadership of APP said.