Republic Bank (EC) Limited - Dominica, as part of its ongoing efforts under the Power to Make a Difference programme, joined hands to assist the less fortunate in our community through the Feeding Jesus Programme.

The Feeding Jesus initiative began on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19th, 2020, as a response to the needs of the very vulnerable people in the city of Roseau. During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Dominica, the lockdowns were particularly hard on the people who were homeless or living under very poor conditions. Many places on which these brothers and sisters depended remained completely closed or opened for only short periods and as such, their regular source of survival has impinged. As a consequence, food was not available, and life became even harder for them. Accordingly, Fr. Brancker John and Fr. Nigel Karam decided to make some efforts towards alleviating the situation by providing breakfast which consisted of a hot drink and a sandwich. Many partners and parishioners contributed during that initial phase and helped the initiative to take off. Currently, the programme caters to about fifty (50) people and runs three days a week. The assistance of individuals, groups and as well as organizations helps to keep the initiative alive. Fr. Brancker also extended the programme to Grand Bay, serving lunch on a Sunday to many who would not otherwise have a meal.

Fr. Nigel Karam, upon receiving the donation of XCD$2,500 from the Republic Bank said that "Jesus reminds us in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 25, 'When I was hungry, you gave me to eat. When I was thirsty, you gave me to drink...Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do to me."

Republic Bank's Country Manager, Gina Severin: "It is an honour for the Bank to partner in such a devout initiative, Feeding Jesus. Sharing is a blessing but sharing with those who are not able to give in return is even a greater blessing. We would like to encourage our many customers and friends to join hands as we, the community, help to care for the less fortunate among us. At Republic Bank, we value people, we care.