Can the IMF and the EU make productivity enhancement more sexy?

From the IMF report of 24 March 2017: "…better target education programs in order to improve labour productivity…" From the 2016 / 2017 literature of the NAO / EU launching of the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM): "Enhancing Competitiveness and increasing productivity of the agricultural Sector…"
Both the IMF and the EU have provided valuable advice and monetary assistance to Dominica over the years. But I would have to ask: what have the two institutions done in DIRECTLY assisting the EDUCATION in productivity to help drive the need for improvements in an area that EVERY institution, locally, regionally and internationally, has pointed out is a BIG IMPEDIMENT in our region's development. In fairness, the Dominica government must be commended for an initial effort tin 2010 with the appointment of a short-term consultant in that area. The problem, however, is NOT short term, neither will a short-term approach work. Productivity is also not a "sexy" subject that generates media interest, nether for that matter, in the eyes of the average worker, manager or even vote seeker. But to seriously move our economies forward, we need to, as the IMF says. TARGET the problem to achieve sustainable results. MANAGEMENT, LABOUR, and, yes, our SOCIETY generally…
It was a Paul Meyer who said "Productivity is never an accident; it is always the result of a commitment of excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort". The quote indirectly describes exactly what is needed to create a productive society. Unfortunately, many times we here in Dominica think, speak and work in ways that do not reflect these words. People generally don't take the time to even ATTEMPT to do something QUICKER and/or BETTER and /or SMARTER. Take for example those providing "service" in both the public and private sectors who seemingly always forget to return phone calls or FOLLOW-UP on outstanding matters (simple solution – WRITE down the matter rather than try to rely on MEMORY…destroy note OMLY when the matter is FULLY dealt with…). Similarly, there is little LONG-TERM direct attention to resolve LOW PERFORMANCE issues generally, we are simply bored or annoyed by discussions on these small but CRUCIAL productivity areas. It is NOT in our traditional culture.
We really need to do better! Some agency (government…again?) or other regional or international agency (IMF? EU?) needs to step and put their EDUCATION monies where their mouth consistently (and correctly) is…