Dear Daddy
Artiste Janae Jackson writes to her father on his birthday

Many individuals look forward to your weekly column in the Sun titled 'Spotlight', as you critically analyze and comment on the art and entertainment industry in Dominica.
As the title of your column rightly speaks for itself, I decided to put you- Ian Jackson- in the spotlight this week, but not just as a commentator and experienced man of the arts in your own right, but as someone who I consider much greater to me- my father.
For as long as I can remember, I have heard many individuals speak of this prolific writer and man who has written a collection of poems, penned numerous songs, specifically Calypsos, and who still holds music on a whole dear to his heart!
Not that I never knew this side of you, but I always marveled at the fact that you placed an extensive amount of time on all these artistic projects but always found and had enough, if not more time for me-your daughter- whether it maybe in academics or just the everyday father-daughter talks.
Well maybe, I would have done this article or something of this sort much sooner, but it is only when you mature as a young adult you see the great value of what, or rather whom, you have in your life.
With that being said, Daddy I would like to make it publicly known that I definitely appreciate you and I am also proud of the things you have achieved in your life thus far. I am grateful for your ever presence and you constantly pushing and grooming, especially my singing talent which I showcased superbly in the Calypso arena this year!
However, most of all I am and will be forever grateful for the values that you have instilled in me, never forgetting the importance of the perfect balance between academia and social life.
And as the 6 March marks the day that you were born, I conclude by saying Happy Birthday! And may God give you long life filled with health, happiness and pleasant surprises.
I love you!