Tonge group of companies launches new three year plan 2017-2019
The Tonge Group of Companies launched a new 3 year Strategic Plan 2017-2019 today at the Garraway Hotel. This is the first time that such a plan has been developed for the entire group of Companies. Mr. Curtis Tonge, Chairman and founder of the Group, proudly stated:
"First Domestic Insurance Co. started 23 years ago, (in 1993).
The company has provided services to the public despite the many climatic and economic challenges experienced in Dominica over the years. The company wanted to ensure that Dominica had its own local insurance company. In fact, at the time Dominica was the only country in the OECS without an indigenous insurance company."
He further went on to state that given the loyal support of the Dominican public for First Domestic, it opened the opportunity for investment in other companies; for example, the Tonge Meat Centre, which provided poultry, other meats and fish to the public. At a later stage, he saw the need to provide a quality fast food product, at an affordable price, catering to persons in Roseau and its immediate environs. Hence the investment in Perky's in 1999. Ten years later, Tonge Refrigeration Centre was formed. To quote Mr Tonge;
"Today the Group of companies employs more than 94 persons as compared to 5, twenty-three (23) years ago, in addition, over the past three years, FDIC has settled more than $19.7 million in claims, and the Group has paid over $7.8 million in salaries and related benefits."
The Group of Companies has been relatively successful over the years. However, the Board of Directors of the Group recognise that, in order to remain relevant and competitive in today's technologically changed business environment, they need to look at the Group's business strategy, its processes and, more importantly, its employees,in order to ensure sustainability and job security. Therefore, in October 2016, the Group embarked on a strategic exercise to chart the way forward for the next 3 years. This process was facilitated by DAE Consultants from Trinidad and Tobago, specialists in management consulting. This team was headed by Ms. Denise Escayg together with Ms. Grace Talma and Ms. Amanda Hackett. The strategies and plans which were agreed to for implementation over the next 3 years will result in 40 additional jobs being created.