Dr Jeffrey Blaize
Dr Jeffrey Blaize

The long hot summer is over. At last, say many weary parents. So soon? Ask hundreds of teens who have savored the luxury of sleeping late into the day without homework hanging on their consciences.

So, schools open on Monday and teachers have been sharpening pencils and acquiring new skills.

About 100 new teachers from primary and secondary schools began meeting today at the Newtown Primary School to learn the art of teaching to ensure effective delivery in the classroom.

"We want to really sharpen the skills of our teachers," said Dr. Jeffrey Blaize, the assistant chief education officer as he spoke to the press during the first day of the two-day course. "If we expect teachers to deliver we also expect them to plan. All teachers are expected to plan."

Hence, the teachers were taught "lesson planning and delivery" on Tuesday as well as "classroom management"; on Wednesday they deal with "professional responsibility".

"One of the things we will be talking about a lot is how teachers present themselves in terms of their attire, their dressing," said Dr. Blaize.