Trafalgar pupils get Maria Christmas gift
Dominicans overseas with the support of friends and people of good intent continue to make donations related to Hurricane Maria relief to the country of their birth.
One of the recent beneficiaries is the Trafalgar Primary School (TPS) now housed at the Roseau Primary School under a shift system. Jennifer White a former public officer presented a barrel and a box of items including toys, stationery, reading books, clothing and shoes for children and adults to the TPS represented by Principal Jerry Coipel, senior teacher Ezra Mayers, pupils and parents on Thursday December 6, 2018.
White said her daughter Lisa, a social worker who works with young mothers and children in Boston, USA collaborated with a group headed by Andre Matthew of Grenada in Boston to raise funds and purchase the items for Dominica.
The goods arrived in Dominica in July but Jennifer White was away at the time and it was only on her return that she along with Coipel set about clearing what turned out to be a most appropriate Christmas for children and some adults of Trafalgar. Ms White is grateful to the Customs and Port Workers for their assistance in getting the supplies out.
Lisa intended the supplies to be used where it would be needed, and since White lives at Trafalgar it was her community of choice.
"So I am very happy to make that presentation," she stated.