Dr. Adis King has become the first minister of government to receive honorary membership from JCI Dominica

JCI's First Minister Member: Dr. Hon. Adis King becomes JCI Dominica's newest Honorary Member
Dr. King, the Minister for Youth Development and Empowerment, and Youth at Risk join DBS news editor, Curtis Matthew, in this category bringing the total number of honorary members to two.
During the pinning ceremony last week, Dr. King commended JCI on its work with young people and vowed to play her part in helping the club on its path.
"I have always been impressed with some of the activities that you guys have put together," King said. "If you are looking to have young members I can encourage quite a bit of young people who can be very influential as well as can benefit from your organization."
Speaking exclusively to The Sun Newspaper, President of JCI Dominica, Jeannel Prince, said the Ministry of Youth is one that holds many opportunities for the club.
"I say that to say that we, JCI, are a developmental organization and we stand by service to humanity is the best work of life. Looking at the ministry's portfolio I see great empowerment for our members through our training, projects, and conventions," Prince said.
According to Prince, the club's training centre on project management, social responsibility, and public speaking can be extremely complementary to the ministry of youth empowerment. The club creates projects to benefit Dominicans of all ages. Kiddies Carnival has been made into an annual affair, so has the practice of donating gifts to the wards at Chances (a residential home providing care and protection for children aged 0 to 18) during the Christmas season. The elderly also benefit from JCI's projects, particularly on World Food Day and other United Nations recognized days such as the International Day for Older Persons. JCI continues to make donations of local produce to the elderly homes around the island.
Dr. King said she is impressed with the work done by the JCI Dominica to date.
"I never knew I would be given such an honour as being part of the JCI family. It has always been an organization that I have admired for the things they have done for young people," she said.
Immediate Past President, Meritta Hyacinth, emphasized the importance of having Dr. King on board as an honorary member.
"As JCI is a youth-based organization it is important that we attract and collaborate with like-minded individuals like Dr. King for our sustainability," Hyacinth said.
"There is so much more that we are willing to do," Prince, the current president, added, "to volunteer our service to the country, and the ministry of youth is our key area." The National Convention, hosted by JCI branches around the region, is an integral area of networking for these social groups. Dominica hosted the 61st National Convention virtually this year due to the pandemic. Luckily, the club will have the opportunity to host this gathering next year if all goes well.
Dr. King is pleased to have the regional and international reach provided to her through the JCI and its global network.
"I never thought that at my age I would be given such an opportunity to continue working with youth. So even beyond my present position, I am very happy you have given me the opportunity to help along with the JCI family to help the youth in the country, in the region, and around the world," she said.
Prince was grateful to Dr. King for her support of the convention this year, stating more can be done by authorities to ensure social clubs in the country carry out their mandates more effectively.
"The government should contribute more to organizations like JCI. These youth-based organizations contribute to the development of youth aged 18 to 40. Government should invest in organizations, like JCI, because we assist in the development of active citizens. Active citizenship means people getting involved in their local communities and democracy at all levels," Prince said.