Nathalie Murphy (big picture); Top Emile Lancelot Sr and doctors and nurses at the DCFH
Nathalie Murphy (big picture); Top Emile Lancelot Sr and doctors and nurses at the DCFH

Murphy bids farewell to DAPA

After 39 years of service to the different abled community here in Dominica, Nathalie Murphy has officially bid farewell to the Dominica Association of Persons with Disabilities (DAPA) as she retires.

On Friday, July 1, 2022, the departure of Murphy who served as DAPD's Executive Director for over 19 years took effect.

Mrs. Murphy who's been dubbed as a pioneer of the disability movement in Dominica, within her nearly four decades in the field was instrumental in assisting DAPD to realize some significant goals and introduced events and activities which demonstrated that persons with disabilities are part of human diversity and equally participate in our social and economic development.

Some worthy of mention include the Government's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, completion of the Multi-purpose Development Centre, Queen and King with Disabilities Pageants, cricket for the blind, and the establishment of a National Commission on Persons with Disabilities by Government, to name a few.

Since her leave, Earnica Esprit has been appointed to fill the position and brings to the post several wide-ranging skills necessary and needed for the further advancement of DAPD.

Goodbye Emile Lancelot Sr.

On June 28, the media fraternity in Dominica went into a state of mourning, following the passing of veteran journalist Emile Lancelot Sr. on June 28, 2022.

Throughout his extensive career in the field, Lancelot worked with the Government Information Officer in the Government Information Service (GIS) and also as Editor of the Chronicle newspaper. He was one of the pioneers in the use of the Kwéyòl language in broadcasting in Dominica through a news-in-kweyol segment called Es Ou Tan on his weekly GIS radio programme.

The late Emile Lancelot Sr. was involved in local government, serving on various local councils and as the first clerk of the Canefield Urban Council. His service to the community extended to Parents Advocating for Children with Disability in Society (PACIS), an advocacy organization that promotes the needs and rights of children with disabilities, where he served as an executive member for several years.

The sports enthusiast who died at the age of 87 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital (DCFH) is survived by his wife Hearle Lancelot and five children. 35k for trafficking over 100 pounds of weed

A twenty-year-old man from Thibaud has been was slapped with a $35,000.00 fine after he pleaded guilty to trafficking over $140,000.00 worth of cannabis.

Kerry Graham of Thibaud, Neil Bellot of Grand Coulibrie, Grand Bay, and Anthony Williams of Bellevue Chopin appeared before the Roseau Magistrate court jointly charged with a drug trafficking offense, namely, possession of 63,626.6 grams of cannabis.

Bellot and Williams pleaded not guilty to the charge while Graham entered a guilty plea which police prosecutor, Corporal Dale LeBlanc, accepted and offered no evidence against the first two defendants. Presiding Magistrate, Michael Ladaut, then struck off the case against Bellot and Williams for 'want of prosecution.'

According to the facts of the case presented to the court by the prosecution, on June 24, 2022, Woman Police Constable (WPC) Kayanner St.Hilaire applied and obtained a search warrant to search a compound in Vieille Case.

On arrival at the premises, on the strength of the warrant, WPC St. Hilaire along with other officers of the drug squad unit commenced their search after speaking with the defendant and others present.

While searching an unfurnished wooden structure where Graham and others were standing, the officers found five nylon bags, a carry-on bag, and a clear plastic bag with what appeared to be cannabis weed.

When questioned about the findings Graham responded, "first time I seeing that."

Graham, along with the others who were present on the premises, were arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking and were transported to the Police Headquarters in Roseau.

At the drug squad office, in the presence of the defendant, the drugs were weighed and totaled 63,626.6 grams. A charge was later preferred against Graham and he was brought before the Roseau Magistrate Court.

At the court hearing, defense attorney, Gina Thomas-Abraham, who represented the 20-year-old, pleaded with the court to "temper justice with mercy."

However, in handing down his judgment, Magistrate Laudat reprimanded Graham for his actions and said the court would not deviate from the sentencing guidelines.

For the drug trafficking offense, Graham was fined $35,000.00 to be paid in three installments. The first payment of $10,000.00 by November 30, 2022, $15,000.00 by May 31, 2023, and the balance of $10,000.00 no later than December 31, 2023. In default of any payment, Graham will be imprisoned for six months.

188th celebration of emancipation

The Division of Culture of Dominica has once again joined forces with numerous stakeholders to stage this year's 188th celebration of emancipation.

Among the calendar of events for the activities which will run from July 1 to August 13, 2022, includes a Kalinago Territory establishment day concert which was held on July 4, Afro-artistic on July 9, the annual African dress days on July 8, 15, 22 and 29 as well as a UWI film and discussion on July 14.

Other activities include the Francillia Agra art exhibition- on July 15 and 22, Massacre mural launch and cultural night on July 22, and the Cadence-lypso tribute festival to be held the final weekend of the month.

The activities will culminate on August 6 with the Golden Drum award ceremony and concert.

First Successful Electrical Cardioversion in Dominica

Last week, health professional Dr. Wu and his medical team recorded history for Dominica when they performed an electrical shock on a patient which restored a normal rhythm to the heart function of the patient and relieved his symptoms.

This was the first successful electrical cardioversion performed at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital (DFCH).

The patient has since been discharged with a regular heartbeat.