Dr Herbert Sabaroche at graduation
Dr Herbert Sabaroche at graduation

There is a saying that there is no age barrier for reading and learning and that a person can continue to learn and grow throughout life. This adage has been proven true for Dominica's former Education Minister, Dr. Finan Herbert Sabaroche who obtained a Ph.D. at an age when many would prefer to rest, 79.

Recently Walden University celebrated more than 3,000 graduates who earned either bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees in various fields. Among the graduates was Dr. Sabaroche who attained a doctoral degree in his area of study: Leadership, Policy, and Change in Education (for Learning, School and Societal Outcomes).

Many have lauded his achievement including the President of the Dominica Council on Ageing (DCOA), Ophelia Olivaccé Marie.

Marie told The Sun that Dr. Sabaroche's accomplishment serves as inspiration for older people.

"I have to say that I am delighted to hear of Dr. Sabroache's achievement," she said. "He is a very positive individual, always encouraging other people and I'm happy to see that he stayed on course."

She further averred, "this has been something that he has been talking about for years and it is an honour to see that he has achieved his goal and I am now beginning to think that I should follow suit," the DCOA's President jokingly stated.

Marie encouraged seniors to not be deterred by their age in accomplishing their life's goals and purpose.

"I believe that everyone has a role to play in life so we cannot think about competing with others. There is room for everyone to follow their own path and to get to where they want to go," she stated. "Once we are alive we all have the opportunity to achieve great things like Dr. Sabroache. If we can't go up to the Ph.D. level then we can do many other great things. You are never too old and there is nothing wrong in continuing to learn at any stage in your life."

While The Sun was unsuccessful in its attempts to reach Dr. Sabroache, he wrote via Facebook: "Determination together with the practical application is key to achieving planned goals at any stage of our lives. Message to all, even the disadvantaged at any age: let us maintain our integrity guided by the Almighty while facing life's challenges."

  • By Ronalda Luke