Joseph, left, and Edwards
Joseph, left, and Edwards

Constituency Election History

2014- DLP (Petter Saint-Jean)

2009- DLP (Petter Saint-Jean)

2005- UWP (Ron Green)

2000- UWP (Ron Green)

1995- UWP (Ron Green)

1990- DFP (Heskeith Alexander)

1985- DFP (Heskeith Alexander)

1980- DFP (Heskeith Alexander)

1975- DLP (H.L. Christian)

The La Plaine Constituency consists of: La Plaine, La Ronde, Boetica, Victoria, Carib, Delices, and Case O'Gowrie

Francisca Joseph

Born in Victoria, a small hamlet in the village of Delices on May 6, Francisca Joseph ne James began her journey through life, the eldest of five daughters of Paul James and his wife Madeleine. Paul, a hard working farmer, was a stern disciplinarian, and it was there Francisca learnt the value of hard work and discipline, and combined school work with helping on the farm, carrying bananas, the main crop at that time, and coconuts, the latter at the Pointe Mulatre estate.

At age 12, Francisca began secondary school at the Wesley High School, having had to be demoted to Grade Seven from Third Form to write the Common Entrance Examinations. Francisca began seeking employment at 18 as a teacher at the Delices Primary School. During that time she was very involved in the life of the community, joining youth groups and leadership training courses.


She holds a graduate diploma (PGDip) with distinction in Social Protection from The University of the West Indies, Mona; certificate in Management Development with the Arthur Lok jack Graduate School of Business-St Augustine; University of the West Indies- Cave Hill – Certificate in Middle Management; Certificate in Youth Work – Commonwealth Youth Programme- Guyana; among others.

Work experience

Unqualified Assistant Teacher: Responsible for the management of a classroom, Taught all subjects to children between the ages 7-15.

Youth Development Officer- : Managed two districts comprising of 20 villages, Implemented

District Development Officer: Managed the South East District comprising of six communities, Coordinated and supervised activities of the Local Government Department; supervised village councils as well as council elections; supervised one District Development Assistant.

Acting Director Bureau of Gender Affairs: Coordinated and provided overall supervision for all activities of the Bureau, prepared budgets, work plans and disaster plans for the institution.

Programme Officer-Office of Disaster Management: Organized community disaster committees, Coordinated, supervised and facilitated training in Disaster Management and reviewed and prepared disaster plans.

Field Operations Supervisor- Adult Education Division: Supervised seven zone officers manning seven districts.

Adult Education Officer: Prepared Division's corporate plan, recurrent and capital estimates; prepared and submitted in approved format monthly reports to the Ministry.

Consultant: Training in school safety for principals and teachers in 10 vulnerable schools – Child Fund Caribbean- East Dominica Federation.

Plans for the constituency

Re-establish Agriculture(smart) as a viable economic option; return to bananas as an economic crop; Restore the La Plaine Agricultural Training Centre as an active resource for farmer's ongoing training; decentralized extension and input access, expand small livestock and other specialty niches like apiculture (bee keeping)with solid economic potential; boost branding and production of natural and organic vegetables; rebuild diversified crops like plantain, toloma and farine; revive and expand essential oil production and processing and support new essential oil initiatives.

Reopen the Delices to Petite Savanne road; permanent bridge across the Boetica gorge; rebuild access roads to key production areas; provide land to new young farmers (Liviere Canal, Montete, Belvedere, Liviere Claire, Benway, Madam, Bois Belvue, Continuos). Rebuild and modernize La Plaine sports complex and other playing fields and hard courts in Delices and Boetica; open up opportunities in marine security, fishing and eco-tourism; Education and Skills Development & Youth, Culture and develop Community facilities

Convert, renovate and modernize the Boetica old school into the South East Training Institute for technical and vocational skills required for a new economy, serve as a multi-purpose Centre including emergency shelter for the community; rebuild and modernize the Delices Youth Centre into a community resource Centre with auditorium and stage section, and social media Wi-Fi café.

Upgrade the LaPlaine Health Centre into a hospital facility; upgrade and modernize other health centres; support the expansion of the House of Hope as a home for the elderly; equip fire station with a fire truck and other essentials; installation of fire hydrants, improve La Ronde water system; introduce health and wellness lifestyle programmes; installation of public street lighting; institute policy considerations and operational framework for disaster risk management , build guardrails in risk areas.

Kent Edwards

Education: Dominica Grammar School

Work: Pharmacist, Government of Dominica

NB: We made several calls to Kent Edwards to obtain his bio and plans for the constituency but despite his many promises Mr. Edwards did not deliver.