Eucharist & the Poor launched

A representative audience headed by President of the Commonwealth of Dominica His Excellency Charles Savarin and Mrs Savarin was in attendance when the Most Reverend Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau, launched his second book entitled Eucharist & the Poor during a dinner on the grounds of Bishop House on Friday October 3, 2014.
That gathering for dinner which came on the eve of the 12th anniversary of ordination of Bishop Malzaire and his 57th birthday included Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and members of government, former Presidents Dr Nicholas J. O. Liverpool and Mr Eliud Williams and their spouses.
Present were members of the clergy and religious life, professionals including Professor Dr Gerard Grell and many lay faithful from diverse parts of Dominica.
Deacon Alvin Knight performed duties of master of ceremonies.
There were review comments on Eucharist & the Poor before His Lordship made a few presentations. Monsignor William Jno Lewis read the review of Archbishop Joseph Harris of Trinidad & Tobago who was unable to be present over travel concerns.
Fr Clement of the Fatima parish shared some thoughts on the book. The book also had excerpts of review comments from Kelvin Cardinal Felix, Archbishop Emeritus of Castries who was out on church duties, Archbishop Harris, Fr Clement Jolly an author of over 40 books, magazines and other publications and Professor Grell.
Kelvin Cardinal Felix noted that:"At a time when the materialistic and secularizing trends in today's world are increasing the human tendency for greed, to the detriment of the poor and those who suffer hardship, the message communicated in this publication is most apt…" Archbishop Harris that the book was "a most timely addition to the theology of this central of Christian life, the Eucharist…"
Fr Jolly added that Bishop Malzaire had captured and expounded "a reality which was very dear to the heart of the Church… The Eucharist… is Jesus and broken up for our salvation, and inviting us to share in His life. It is Jesus who takes upon himself the poverty, the miseries, the brokenness of mankind and in so doing transforms the wretchedness of human life. The Eucharist is hope for the forlorn world."
Dr Grell states that Eucharist & the Poor emphasizes the duty of every Christian to care for Christ's body on earth, of which the poor and those who suffer injustice are equal members… This book is truly an eye opener in challenging our traditional understanding of the Eucharist.
Bishop Malzaire addressed the gathering and the challenges of dealing with his theme in connection with the teaching of Pope Paul VI on the analogy between the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the poor and suffering.
Eucharist & the Poor has 290 pages, printed at Paramount Printers Ltd and goes for a minimum contribution of $80.
He next presented copies to President Savarin, Professor Grell and Prime Minister Skerrit before settling down to autograph copies for those who purchased copies that same evening