Forty-nine of 51 shining boys and girls attended to by parents, grandparents, relatives and friends received certificates from Dean of the Cathedral, Fr Nigel Karam, at the Social Centre Model Pre-School send-off ceremony under the theme 'Dream Tomorrow, but live today' at the Social Centre in Roseau on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

That ceremony marked the end of one phase of the children's education journey and the beginning of another chapter to attending primary schools when the new school year opens in September.

There was the entrance procession, affirming the first stanza of the National Anthem and National Pledge and invocation by Monsignor William Jno Lewis, delegate to the Apostolic Administrator, followed by speeches.

Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Mrs Josephine Dublin, began her address by telling the children that what was ahead were different paths to those dreams. She urged the parents to encourage their children to dream big. She warned them not to allow their dreams to overpower those of their children. The featured speaker reminded all that they should not leave God out because all purposes come from God.

"Put your hands in God's hands because God has our best interests at heart," she said.

Mrs Dublin, a former school principal, wife, mother and grandparent, appealed to teachers and parents to help their children unleash their superpowers because the world needed superheroes.

"Let us dream today so we can make a better tomorrow," she said.

The coordinator of the Social Centre, Norma Cyrille, had some pointed words for the parents.

"The children are not the parents. You are the parent, " Cyrille said. "You are to guide, discipline and praise them when needed. Yes is yes! No is no!"

The coordinator also praised her staff for stepping forward when understaffed in the past year.

"You did much more than you should," she said. "Take a bow".

Teacher Ms Eugenia Xavier chaired proceedings while Teacher-in-charge of the Pre-School, Ms Abena Mulcare, gave a comprehensive report of what the children experienced in and out of the premises, like their participation in world or National Day observances as they built on their youthful experience at this early stage in life besides just being all play.

Two parents gave moving testimonies of their children's development at Model Pre-School. Ms Martha Isles, Assistant Teacher-in-charge, gave the vote of thanks before the children frolicked with each other on their last day at that institution.