Frampton receives PANCAP Award for Excellence in HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean
In July 2014, the Ministry of Health received an announcement for the 2014 Awards by the Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) to formally honour two distinguished Caribbean nationals who have been deemed to have made significant contributions to the advancement of the regional response to HIV and AIDS over the past decade.
The criteria for nomination included: description of the significant work the individual has undertaken; impact at national and/or regional level and significant endorsements individuals received and any other information deemed necessary.
Considering the extensive and exemplary work done by Julie Frampton as Coordinator of HIV/AIDS for over 10 years and the relentless efforts in enhancing the care of persons living with HIV/AIDS, while at the same time advancing strategies for prevention ,the Ministry of Health nominated her for the esteemed award .
Her contribution has not been limited to the Ministry of Health or Dominica but also to the Region. The Ministry of Health is pleased that an independent panel for this award selected her as one of the two awardees
On November 3rd 2014 Frampton received the award for Excellence in HIV/ AIDS in the Caribbean during the opening ceremony of the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of PANCAP in Gosier, Guadeloupe.