Freedom Speaks
Freedom Party is Rising to the Call

While a majority of those who live in Dominica, who are eligible to vote and exercised their franchise, rejected Roosevelt Skerrit and his vile political gang, the nation has been bitterly divided in the wake of the elections. The will of the majority have been negated by illicit voters and election fraud! But those of us who stand for righteousness, let us hold on and let us reach out to our fellow-men and reason with them to do likewise and to turn from wicked ways. If we do that and we humble ourselves and continue to pray, our nation will be exalted.
Clearly, at this point in our history, a significant proportion of our people are not heeding the call of our national Anthem that says,
"….And a people strong and healthy, Full of Godly reverent fear,…."
Alas, many have lost the fear of God.
Another part of the national anthem calls out,
"Come ye forward, sons and daughters,
Of this Gem beyond compare,
Strive for honour sons and daughters,
Do the right be firm be fair …."
Many of us are not doing the right thing and we know it! We have decided to approve a political game that does not go by the playbook of true democracy, rule of law, or righteousness. Like Judas, we are doing this for "thirty shekels of silver. We are betraying our fellow Dominicans. We are betraying our God!
After all, a former Prime Minister – the deceased Honorable Rosie Douglas said in his speech during the swearing in of Cabinet in 2000,
"Let our Country breathe the fresh, pure air of the new millennium, as only Dominica can supply. Let us see ourselves as we really are, a very small island-state which has evolved into a nation state of law-abiding people with long and robust Judeo-Christian traditions, values and principles. And it will remain that way under this administration. We are a democratic Christian nation."
But alas Rosie died much too soon, and his successor – Honorable Pierre Charles, who was seeking to keep our country on the same Godly tract as Rosie saw it, also died much too soon.
But since the days of these great statesmen, we have been losing the essence that makes us a Dominican people – a people full of Godly reverent fear! We have been moving away from what it is to be the Commonwealth of Dominica! It should mean - "All for each, and each for All. But my people, don't lose hope. Many of us in this nation still love our God. And the scriptures declare that all things work together for good to them that love the lord and to them who are called according to his purpose.
I declare that the purposes of God will be fulfilled in Dominica through His people. I declare that those who have turned away from our Judeo-Christian traditions will be convicted of their wrong by our God and that they will return to the fold and together with the rest of us, they will fight to return this nation to one that is indeed a democratic Christian nation.
I say to you that the Dominica Freedom Party will continue to place the just interest of the people of Dominica above the interest of the party and you saw how we did so during the run-up to the December 6th general elections. We believe that at this point in our nation, the Dominica Freedom Party is well poised to put the party on course to guide our nation in the not too distant future. So while we will engage in efforts along with others to right the wrong of December 6th 2019 general elections, we will also heed the call of many who meet us on the streets and say that it is now time for the Freedom Party to emerge with the fire of God and the fire of the people under its wings.
As a party, after next week, we are going into a four-week period of reflection and prayer. We desire direction from our God in all we do. You see, the way it looks right now, we need God's help to solve this political problem that now appears to be insurmountable solely through our own peaceful efforts. But I am comforted that God does not need an election to remove Roosevelt Skerrit! God will do the difficult and impossible for us. He will cause the right nations to align with the people of Dominica. He will allow the right alignment of circumstances to unravel. Wait and see what the Lord will do
So, I appeal to you the Dominican people, to allow the Freedom Party to lead our country into victory. As the political leader of the party, I remain available for the task at hand. My energy is by no means daunted by the display of elections thievery we have just experienced. Join with us over the next four weeks as we reflect and pray. Is there anything too hard for God to do?
Kent Vital Political Leader Dominica Freedom Party.