At his desk-Ian Anthony, Chief Elections Officer
At his desk-Ian Anthony, Chief Elections Officer

Since several politicians say that they will be boycotting the 6 December 2022 poll, expect the Electoral Office to declare that in constituencies where only one name appears on the ballot when nominations close at 4. pm on Friday, this person has won the election.

Today the Electoral Office issued the following notice:

"On Friday November 18, 2022, all Returning Officers and Election Clerks will be available at designated nomination centers to receive nomination papers and Statutory Declarations from prospective candidates. Candidates will be required to present Form 12 and Form 13, respectively, in accordance with Section 15 of the House of Assembly (Elections) Act.

"The Officers will begin receiving nominations at 9 am until 4 pm, for seven hours continuously. If at the end of seven hours, there is only one candidate duly nominated, the returning officer will immediately declare that candidate to be duly elected. If there is more than one candidate duly nominated, the Returning Officer will adjourn the poll to the date stated in the writ, December 6th, 2022.

"Every candidate must be nominated by no less than six (6) electors registered in the same constituency for which he/she is seeking election and must consent in writing to the nomination in Form 12.

"Every candidate must deposit a sum of $500 in cash. If he/she fails to do so, their nomination will be deemed void. Every deposit will be returned to the person by the Financial Secretary upon presentation of a certificate from the Chief Elections Officer that the candidate was elected or received not less than one-eighth of the total number of votes counted at the election.

"The nominations will take place at one location in each constituency and the list of locations is as follows:

  1. Castle Bruce Castle Bruce Primary School

  2. Colihaut Colihaut Village Council Office

  3. Cottage Cottage Community Centre

  4. Grand Bay Grand Bay Village Council Office

  5. La Plaine La Plaine Police station

  6. Mahaut Mahaut Village Council Office

  7. Marigot Marigot Police Station

  8. Morne Jaune/Riviere cyrique Grand Fond Village Council Office

  9. Paix Bouche Paix Bouche Village Council Office

  10. Petite Savanne Bellevue Chopin Housing Scheme Mall

  11. Portsmouth Adult Education Centre

  12. Roseau Central Electoral Office

  13. Roseau North Alpha Centre, Goodwill

  14. Roseau South Electoral Office

  15. Roseau Valley House of Merrill Matthew, Laudat

  16. Salisbury Salisbury Police Station

  17. Salybia Kalinago Council Office

  18. St Joseph St Joseph Community Centre

  19. Soufriere Soufriere Police Station

  20. Vielle Case Vielle Case Court Room

  21. Wesley Wesley Police Station