Priscilla Jno Baptiste

Priscilla Jno Baptiste first entered the compound of E.H. Charles & Co. Ltd as an employee 28 years ago and has never left. And she was immediately struck by the cleanliness of the compound.

She chuckled as she recalled her first impressions of the Goodwill business place.

"The first day I entered the gate, as soon as I entered the gate, I said, "My God, my house is not as clean as here.""

Jno Baptiste said she spent her first day as a behind-the-counter employee.

The following day, Charles sent her to the port where she prepared documents and handled all the transactions related to the company's shipments. Jno Baptiste did that for several years until one day Charles informed her that she was now the new Hardware Department supervisor.

After a year in that role, Jno Baptiste took up a new position as the Inventory Management Control Clerk.

Asked what has kept her at E H Charles & Co. Limited all these years, Jno Baptiste responded simply, "I like my job."

She added that the best part of working at E H Charles & Co. Ltd. is the fact that she has learnt a lot. Jno Baptiste described her boss as tough and dedicated.

Marilese Joseph

Marilese Joseph's face is well known at E H Charles & Co. Ltd.

And it's no wonder. After all, she has spent the last 35 years of her life working there.

Joseph, a cashier, said she was first employed there as a sales clerk.

She loves her job as she enjoys interacting with people. Joseph also believes in the quality of EH Charles & Co Ltd. products.

She regards her boss, who is also her uncle, as being a serious, no-nonsense person and is also very neat and clean.

Joseph said he taught her discipline and is a stickler for punctuality.

EH Charles & Co. Ltd will bestow both Jno Baptiste and Joseph with special awards as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations.