Message from Henry George Dyer, President of the DGS Past-Students Association
From Our Archives: Dominica Grammar School Centenary 1893 to 1993
I consider this an honour and a privilege the Dominica Grammar School Past Student Association to give this message as we celebrate 100 years of the existence of our school.
We all realize that 100 years is a very long time and therefore we must take some time to remember in a special way one of the greatest educational institutions that has served the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Since the establishment of the school in 1893 we have experienced many changes but one thing which has never changed is the school's Motto which has reflected one of the guiding principles that has carried the school over these years i.e., "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" - A Sound Mind in a Healthy Body" Most, if not all our graduates have made us proud and I wish to say thank you to those who have made the sacrifice and effort to the planning of these celebrations.
Let me take this opportunity to congratulate each and every one including the past and present principals, the past and present staff members as well as the past and present workers and the past and present students who in one way or the other kept this school alive. As we celebrate this auspicious occasion, let us re-dedicate our commitments towards the development of our school. I urge each and every one of you to give generously financial assistance towards the construction of a badly-needed auditorium for our school which I am sure will go a long way in keeping the school active from generation to generation. Let us remember the ancient adage - "Reading maketh a full man, writing an exact man and speaking a ready man."
May the good Lord continue to bless our school in the years to come so that it may serve our beautiful Dominica as it has done in the past.
Thank you.