NCCU Staff Donate to Grotto Home

Employees of the National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd (NCCU) visited the Grotto Home for the Homeless on February 11, 2015 to make a donation of food and basic need items to the residents. This project was spearheaded by the Member Services Department of the Roseau Branch.
The group of NCCU employees present during the visit, led by the Member Services Manager, Annette Dupuis, shared a few words of encouragement and songs with the residents. Dupuis congratulated the staff of the Grotto Home on taking such good care of the residents, some of whom are quite elderly, and expressed "hope that our contribution will help ease some burden".
Marie-Louise Grell, Marketing Officer, explained that the NCCU is fulfilling one of the seven Co-operative Principles, "Concern for Community", by making this donation to the Grotto Home and shared stories of a previous visit made to the Home. Senior Member Services Clerk, Nadine Laville, also enthusiastically shared her stories of the friendly Grotto Home residents and stated that she would like to see the project grow.
Director of the Grotto Home, Lucia Blaize-Jones was elated about the gesture and thanked the NCCU for making the contribution. Jones went on to speak about the Grotto's new building being constructed at Stockfarm and that she looks forward to future visits by the Credit Union to strengthen the relationship between the NCCU and the Grotto Home and its residents, some of whom are NCCU members.