NCCU to Scholarship awardees: "Make us all proud"

Scholarship award ceremonies have become commonplace as the opening of the school year looms. They are usually staid, predictable affairs-directors of the awarding institution give speeches, students are presented with awards, then the students and their parents are ushered to the podium to say thank you.
But at the National Cooperative Credit Union (NCCU) ceremony last week one student, Nyel Evanique Groove, who received one of two Hudson Savarin scholarships, deviated from the script and sang in a loud, confident voice.
Before that unusual element, Curth Charles, the acting NCCU Chief Executive Officer told the students and their parents at a ceremony held at the Conference room of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) that students must work hard and concentrate on their school work.
"Makes us all proud," he said. "I'll see you at the top".
Then NCCU president, Josephine Dublin, before handing over the awards said that the NCCU, one of Dominica's leading financial institutions, has been awarding scholarships to Dominica's best and most needy students for more than 50 years.
The scholarships, she said, were established in the name of credit unions notable volunteers to honour their "sterling contributions" to the credit union movement.
"During the past eight years we have introduced seven scholarships," Mrs. Dublin said.
The Vernice Bellony and Ambrose Cuffy scholarships were introduced in 2011; Marie Wilson (2012); Hudson Savarin Scholarships (2013); Johnson Thomas and Kenneth Richards scholarships (2016) and the Vince Baptiste Scholarship (2017).
Mrs. Dublin said there are currently 66 students on NCCU scholarships at Dominica's secondary schools and in 2017 the institution spent EC$70,000 on the programme.
" The annual schools scholarships is our society's way of investing in the human resource potential of our communities, our country while at the same time expressing gratitude to our valued membership," said Dublin.
Here is a list of the NCCU scholarships and their receipients.
Merit Scholarship
NCCU Merit Scholarship: Cadez Jabez Casimir- Grand Bay
Need Scholarships
Edward Elwin Scholarships
Kira Allana Christopher - Marne Prosper; Shantelle Chole Joseph – Pichelin; Juanita Dinnard- Trafalgar; Jordon William Benjamin – Pottersville; Noah Kermichael Stephan Joseph- Wotten Waven
Hudson Savarin Scholarships
Sherniah Phillisha St. Rose – Roseau; Nyel Evanique Grove - Roseau
Kenneth Anthony Richards Scholarship
Earlisha A.K.M. Jones -Stock Farm Road; Shand Jolly Merit Scholarship; Brennan Mayel Lennon Esprit - Sylvania
Vernice Bellony Scholarship- Vieille Case
Chantel Marcellin - Penville
Haynes Baptiste Scholarship - Vieille Case
Kayvanie Jeremiah Ferrol- Dos'dane Village
Marie Wilkins Scholarship -La Salette
Zaria Kiarra Kelis Bowers- Pointe Michel
Johnson Thomas Scholarship - Castle Bruce
Jared Laudat- Petite Soufriere
Ambrose Cuffy Memorial Scholarship
Sadee Praima - Marne Jaune