Nurse Joycelyn Green
Nurse Joycelyn Green

The observance of Nurses' Week begins on May 6 and ends on May 12. It is the birthday week of the founder of modern nursing – Florence Nightingale. In keeping with this noble tradition, it is necessary and imperative that we recognize and thank one of our own who has served our community for more than three decades as a registered nurse.

Nurse Joycelyn Green served La Plaine and the southeast community as a Primary Health Care nurse for 38 years until her retirement a few years ago. We all should express our gratitude for the selfless and yeoman service she has given to our people. From all reports and based on the testaments of her colleagues who have worked with her, all acknowledged the dept of her dedicated and caring service and stellar career.

After Nurse Green matriculated from the RN programme in Dominica, she upgraded her midwifery studies in the United Kingdom and Jamaica. This allowed her to gain specific skills and medical expertise to treat better and serve her patients. Along the way, Nurse Green has always remembered the people she was serving in her clinic despite her challenges. In addition, she has always found time to volunteer for church activities and village civic engagements.

A colleague who worked with her for a long time at the La Plaine Health Centre said, "Joycelyn was very knowledgeable about nursing and medical systems. She is a consummate healthcare professional and is very passionate about her work and patients. She always went above and beyond her duty to help her patients."

Nurse Green married the former La Plaine MP, Mr Ron Green. The couple has two adult daughters who reside in the United States. Today the Nurse is enjoying her retirement at her beautiful home on the old Felicite estate around the bend from the Sari-Sari River crossing. The house has a breathtaking and majestic broad panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Every year she looks forward with anticipation and excitement to travelling to the United States to spend time with her daughters and their families, especially the three precious grandchildren. Despite being oceans apart, she wants to have the same excellent relationships with the little ones.

Please join me in saying a big thank you to Nurse Green for her dedicated and unselfish service to our Southeast people. In addition, I am extremely grateful to Nurse Green, my La Plaine primary school classmate, for her benevolence and steadfast and committed hard work to our community over these many years.

While some of us left for greener pastures in distant lands, folks like her stayed and made meaningful contributions to the upliftment and development of the people and communities of the 'Au Vent' region.

Best of luck, Nurse, and God's speed.