Phillip wins Big Edge scholarship

A Wesley sports champion is the fourth beneficiary of the Billy Doctrove Sports Scholarship.
Jarnilia Phillip, 12, of Wesley, a First Former of the North East Comprehensive School. She is an avid netball player and a table tennis champion.
Phillip received her scholarship package at the Billy Doctrove Pavilion at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium on October 2.
Billy Doctrove, the International Cricket Council (ICC) retired umpire and the owner of Big Edge Financial Express told the Sun that he started this scholarship programme to give back to the community and break the stigma that sport and academics don't go together.
"This was to show that students can be successful at their academics and their sporting activities. Let the youngsters realize they can do sports and academics, this will encourage them to perform at a higher level," said Doctrove.
The scholarships cost the company EC $10, 000. The students receive $500 for books and $500 to help with their sporting activities.
Additionally, Doctrove said to qualify for the scholarship the student must be successful at the Grade Six National Assessment and must be active in a sporting discipline.
At the ceremony he noted that the Sports Division selects a child that meets the necessary requirements.
Meanwhile, Big Edge Financial Express awarded the three winners of their back to school programme with cash prizes and tablets.
The promotion which ran from July to September allowed new customers to participate in a draw whereby they stood a chance to win cash and a tablet.
The winners were Anne-Marie Liverpool (she won $1500 and a tablet); Karana Thomas (won $1000 and a tablet) and Vincia Bonnie (won $500).
At the function Big Edge presented a cheque of $2000 to the Children Heart Foundation.