Sermons in stones
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RAug. 27, 2016These days, we marvel at the remarkable skill of athletes throughout the world—even by West Indians. The truth is that deep within all of us there is a certain power ...
Church and society
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RAug. 5, 2016At the Conclave of Cardinals, following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis delivered a brief address, which had a tremendous influence on the Cardinals. He stated that there ...
Run for your life!
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RJuly 29, 2016There is another violent attack! It does not come from outer space. It does not come from beasts which have escaped their abode in the wilds. It does not come ...
Living in a dream world
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RJuly 22, 2016What particularly stands out in the life of Jesus is that not only did he preach salvation as a sort of end game in the lives of his disciples, but ...
Challenge and conformity
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RJune 14, 2016The scholastic year is approaching an end. For some, it will be a time of joy; for others, it might be a time of sorrow. Those who are rewarded for ...
Firing the imagination
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RMay 12, 2016Our Great Master, Jesus, once told his disciples, "I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already." (Luke 12:49) Indeed, this statement ...
Men, not robots
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RApril 20, 2016There are two noteworthy criticisms which need to be made of our way of life. They are important not only for personal intellectual progression but also for national development. One ...
A message of hope
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RApril 13, 2016The presence of the Catholic Bishops of the Caribbean, many members of the clergy and several lay people at home and abroad, rallying around our own His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin ...
Respect for women
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RDec. 26, 2015Often, well-meaning people present themselves as solvers of outstanding problems, thinking that they have the answer to burning, destructive issues in society when they themselves are, in fact, part of ...
Challenge and survival
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RDec. 1, 2015A few years ago, Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year-old girl of Pakistan, was shot by the Taliban because she protested against the policy of not allowing women to obtain an education ...
The cave-man century
Clement S. Jolly C.Ss.RNov. 24, 2015This is the description of the 20th century by a celebrated Russian writer. But it suits very much the present century. It is very descriptive of the post-modern world, a ...