Soso vs Melissa
Election Watch: Know Your Candidates- Battle Ground- Roseau Central

Strange but true: The ruling Dominica Labour Party (DLP) has not won the Roseau Central seat in over 40 years. Will the DLP win it this time around with Melissa Poponne-Skerrit, the wife of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit? Or will the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) take back the seat that it lost when Joseph Isaac, the incumbent Parliamentary Representative, crossed the floor to the DLP?
Roseau Central, the seat of Government and the centre of the commercial sector in Dominica is clearly a prized constituency. In its heyday, the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) won that seat easily with Dame Mary Eugenia Charles.
Roseau Central General Elections Results 1975 to 2014
2014 -Joseph Isaac (United Workers Party); 2009- Norris Prevost (UWP); 2005- Norris Prevost (UWP); 2000- Charles Savarin (Dominica Freedom Party); 1995- Charles Savarin(DFP); 1990- Dame Mary Eugenia Charles (DFP); 1985- Dame Mary Eugenia Charles (DFP); 1980- Dame Mary Eugenia Charles (DFP); 1975- Dame Mary Eugenia Charles (DFP).
The Candidates
Melissa Poponne Skerrit
Born May 14, 1981; daughter of businessman Valentine Poponne. Married Roosevelt Skerrit in 2013; they have two children. Proprietor of clothing store Dons & Divas and president of charity organisation: Melissa Skerrit Foundation.
Education: Despite multiple requests, no information on her education was provided.
For many years Mrs. Skerrit has been involved in the organisation of Carnival costume bands, the mentoring of young persons and managing a back-to –school programme.
Glenroy "SOSO" Cuffy
Born and raised in River Street; the son of Shirley Shillingford. Adopted mother: Ramona Graham. Cuffy, 51, attended the Roseau Boys' School and the Saint Mary's Academy (SMA). He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management Studies from the University of the West Indies (UWI). He's a consultant and a farmer. For decades he was employment in the banana industry and worked in several areas such as food production, food quality assurance, water management, and certification. He also coordinated the Leaf Spot Programme at Dominica Banana Producers Ltd. (DBPL)
Cuffy is a divorcee; he has no children.
He has been involved in organizing football and domino matches in his community. He is also a member of the Roseau Improvement Committee (RIC).
Plans for the development of Roseau Central
Melissa Skerrit
• Goal is to make Roseau a modern commercial and economic centre serving not only the residents of Dominica but taking full advantage of persons travelling to Dominica from Martinique and Guadeloupe
• Develop Roseau to be the natural, cultural, economic and entertainment link to the French departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe
• Want visitors to bring visiting friends and relatives for a taste of the Caribbean
• Aim to improve living conditions of the people of Roseau
• Provide new and modern amenities for young children growing up in the city and environs
• The Roseau Enhancement project is very important for private property owners to improve properties
Glenroy "SOSO" Cuffy
There need for the elevation of the wall alongside the Roseau River and to improve drainage within the city, for citizens' protection
Deal with the serious threat of flooding in the city; so, we must revisit our drains in Roseau
Deal with the stagnant water that develops a stench, and obviously, that is a breeding ground for mosquitoes
Improve the living conditions for those in poor conditions in Roseau
Upgrading the Botanical Gardens
Upgrade Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard
Add technical arm to the Roseau City Council
Convert the post office to a Hall of Justice