Suspended sentence revoked, five years…

Resident judge Justice Errol Thomas did not waste time with John Seaman, 54, a criminal with a rap sheet of more than 40 offences when he reappeared before him at the Roseau High Court on Tuesday January 12, 2016.
Justice Thomas simply reminded Seaman during arraignment exercises that he had been warned that if he was arrested for any offence within three years after October 2015 the suspended sentence he received on October 16, 2015 would take effect.
The judge reminded the felon of his plea for leniency and a second chance to put his life on the right track, of how he had experienced divine intervention to walk the straight and narrow. The five year sentence would take effect with time on remand taken into consideration.
John Seaman had pleaded guilty to burglary of the shop of Maria & Stephen Pascal at Canefield on July 11, 2011 at the September 2015 arraignments. Among the few items found in a bag when he was surprised by the owners and fled the scene was a Monster drink. He had committed the burglary because he was coming from work that night and was hungry, he said.
"Since I have been in prison I have seen God change my life," he told the court then, "I can feel it in my heart. I can go and preach to the younger generation. I pleaded guilty because I could not lie.
"I am asking Your Honour, have mercy on my soul, and a little leniency…"
Justice Thomas imposed a five-year sentence which he suspended for three years during which Seaman should tell himself it was time to change his life. This is your last chance, the Judge said.
The judge did not have to refer to Seaman's latest infraction except to state that he would serve his sentence as passed and given at sentencing.
Confirmation sought
Director of Public Prosecutions Evelina Baptiste told the court at the opening of the January 2016 criminal session on Tuesday January 12 that her office awaited confirmation of the death of Stephen Trevor James, also known as Kurt "Shabba" James following a report that he had been killed in a police shootout in Antigua and Barbuda last December.
James who had an arrest warrant out for him after he was granted bail during the April session of the High Court, claimed to be ill on June 30 and did not appear before the court on July 17, 2015 because the police could not find him.
The charges against James were unlawful sexual intercourse, unlawful sexual connection and indecent assault on a girl 13 years one month in the St George Parish.
Two young men of a northern community had the break of their lives when the DPP's office decided to discontinue the charges of unlawful sexual intercourse and indecent assault against them.
The offences were allegedly committed on a girl 12 years nine months old between August 1 and September 1, 2011.
Another man did not even have to be arraigned before the DPP discontinued the case against him