What independence means to me?

As the country celebrates 42 years of independence under the theme what the event means to them.
Some say it is a time of celebration as it is the result of a long, hard-fought battle by our ancestors to gain liberation from colonialism; others say that in 2020, as remnants of a colonial system still rears its ugly head independence is an illusion as the nation, though free, is still oppressed mentally.
"I don't believe in independence. But so far it is disappointing and boring. I guess given the COVID situation it has been affected.
Petite Savanne resident:
"I remain non- patriotic on the subject of independence at this time. We no longer have independence. The Opposition can't speak without being attacked, no electoral reform, Dominicans are just blinded. So tell me where is the independence?"
James Alexander:
Independence is a time for us to look back at our country and see what we have achieved over the years. For me, this is lacking, we have not been doing that and so our country continues to suffer from development.
Timothy Henry
I love independence, the music, the creole foods and folklores. It brings back a spirit of nostalgia. The parade of bands for me that is the true spirit as we look back and gather together to celebrate and give God thanks for where he has brought us as a Nation.
Tyrone "Blessings" Anthony
"Independence always holds some relevance and over the years I used to look forward to it. However, with the Chinese nationals now in our country all the relevance has gone. The Chinese have taken over building roads, schools and everything and so quite frankly now, independence means nothing to me. Where is the national objective?