Celia Nicholas
Celia Nicholas

Christmas is a time of particular significance for Christians. We celebrate this miraculous event in the month of December which ends our calendar year. A long time ago in Bethlehem, Jesus was born in obscure circumstances "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you. You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger" (Luke 2:11-12). The real value of a Christian Christmas is focusing our attention on the reality that Christ became human for us. The secular celebrations, gifts, decorations, lights, dinners shopping are all of secondary importance.

According to Hebrew Scriptures, nothing was more important to the Magi who journeyed, through the guidance of a star to experience the Child Jesus. The child Jesus is no longer in a manger. The Jesus, born in Bethlehem, expects us in the Commonwealth of Dominica to apply the lessons of his birth.

What can we learn from the Christmas Story? There are applications for our time. Its timing offers a wonderful period for reflection in preparation for New Year's resolutions. We can analyze introspectively for our benefit and that of others.

The Christmas Spirit engenders a disposition to share with others and not expecting reciprocation. The essence of Christmas is Christ who gives continually, unconditionally. There is much to learn and imbibe from the characters involved in the Christmas story. Even the elements and the animals make their impact. The expectancy is contagious – just listen intently to the professional rendition of "Silent Night". It would do us well to imbue the attitude of these personalities towards the birth of the Saviour.

General Elections 2014 has come and gone. What is the aftermath? Let us embrace the genuine peace of Christ and allow it to pervade our totality. This will usher in the transformation we all yearn for.

The National Executive and members of the Dominica Association of Teachers wish all a Blessed Christmas and a transformational 2015.