Continuing the Onward March with Geo-Thermal

News out just this week confirms that New Zealand has signed on to assist in a substantial way Dominica's progressive efforts to successfully exploit its considerable geo-thermal resources. Not afraid to utilize the valuable experience of other countries' is a commendable step as we, post-Erika, continue to REBUILD DOMINICA BETTER.
That the 'Nature Island of the Caribbean' is strategically moving in the renewal energy direction is good on several fronts. It is true that adoption of renewable energy, be it wind, solar, geothermal, hydro and even bio-energy, is almost always more expensive to introduce compared to fossil fuels. But the 'renewables' are a key way to reduce CO2 and other unhealthy air emissions since they alleviate the harmful impact that fossil fuels (whether in extraction, transportation, or general usage…) have been having on our planet earth. Its partly responsible for CLIMAT CHANGE. No wonder, then, the consistent call throughout the world – with the notable exception of President Trump – for there to be significantly less environment pollution in our common universe!
High fuel energy costs, especially for electricity have for sometime time now been a real obstacle for growth n numerous economic sectors, The use of renewable energy, in addition to negligible negative environmental impact, is an opportunity to reduce Dominica's energy bill and dependence on imported fuel. The saving in foreign exchange will be obvious – and even more than that, the real likelihood of generating export earnings from selling the product to nearby Guadeloupe and Martinique. The only remaining concern is how soon the geo-thermal vision will become actual reality and whether Dominica could experience an "energy shortfall" if there is significant delay in the start of commercial operations
New Zealand now fully on board, and government maintaining an efficiently managed geothermal development programme, the concern may not be warranted.