I recently visited Dominica …. I would also like to share a few thoughts and concerns with you, in respect to Dominica.

Talking to Dominicans and asking some of them their concerns about Dominica, many people expressed a concern about the presence of Chinese nationals on the island and the construction of the new State House for 27 million dollars, and the limited number of Dominicans employed on the project.

Some people even expressed a concern about the possibility of "fracking" occurring on the island. I hope you are aware of these concerns by your fellow Dominicans. I wish to inform you that the people of France … voted to ban all fracking operations in France. I sincerely hope that Dominica will do the same in its commitment to forever be, "The Nature Island".

Dominica must safeguard being polluters as well as limiting its involvement with major polluters such as China. I wish the island of Dominica and its people the very best, in the present, and in the distant unknown future.