The Time is Now

We've had a year of unprecedented massive action globally, as women press on for progress, for women's rights, equality and justice. On this March 8th, 2018, International Women's Day, this year's theme, "Time is Now: Rural and Urban Activists Transforming Women's Lives", is the perfect opportunity to highlight the work of so many Dominicans and their mobilization for change - from works of women like Gloria Walsh, Matilda Popo, Tina Alfred, Khadijah Moore, Shyanne Dorsette, Ophelia Marie, Annette St.Hilliare, Valerie Honore, Ophelia Linton, Josephine Dublin Prince, Vanya David, Melissa Morgan, Lollel Williams, and so many more women both in Dominica and in the Diaspora working everyday leaving no one behind- whether through marches of solidarity, social media campaigns, cultural efforts or grassroots organizing, Dominican women have taken a stance and is making DOMINICA a better place for All to live in- you, my sisters, are helping shape the future of women in Dominica. To our unsung heroes, Those gone, I salute and thank all of you. To our men, like Delroy Williams, who speak up and take action advocating for women and girls, I salute you and Thank You.
As we move forward into the 21st century, we must empower every child, every girl, every woman, and achieve gender equality by striving to attain political, economic and social equality for all. Action is necessary in order to achieve gender equality and you too can help.
I'm calling for both rural and urban women and girls, fathers, brothers, and sons, to come together, disrupt the status quo, change social attitudes, and shift mindsets, as we begin to influence a broad range of policy, legislative and social reforms. Together, we can empower women and girls!
The Time is Now to eliminate all forms of violence including human trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation;
The Time is Now to change social attitudes and end all forms of discrimination, stereotypes, biases both intentional and unconscious, against women and girls island wide.
The Time is Now, for us to ensure women's full and effective participation, as well as equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life.
The Time is Now, to stand up against harassment at work, at home, at school or at play. Stand up and do something- about girls forced to work in brothels, and those forced have babies for money.
As a country, The time is Now, to undertake the necessary reforms that will give women equal rights to economic resources;
The Time is Now to strengthen the sexual act, and introduce sexual harassment laws. The Time is Now to speak up against rape and rape culture - Lévé Domnichen - It's On Us!
The Time is Now promote shared domestic responsibilities and strengthen domestic violence laws as we all know thousands of Dominican women suffer under the hands of the ones whom profess to care for them.
The Time is Now, to Enhance the use of information and communications technology to promote the empowerment of women and girls, leaving no one behind.
The Time is Now, to adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in every village. The time is now to reach parity with men.
The Time is Now, to lead the way in transitioning to sustainable energy and build climate resilience. Join the movement for positive change and take a stance to protect the rights.
My Fellow Dominicans, The Time is Now!
Patriotically Yours,
Sapphire Carrington