Treat Them Right

An art form like Calypso can be so effective in conveying messages and influence change that I am moved this week to publish the composition below to highlight the plight of our elderly.
It hurt and troubled me when I saw the length of time it took for the elderly to finally have a home to call their own from a national perspective. Yes, there are private entities like PHARCS and CALLS but it's always wonderful to see the Grotto Home and even institutions like the Infirmary catering to the needs of our senior citizens.
Still, this 2016 composition performed by Calypsonian Janae did not get any airplay even when its relevance is so obvious when we observe international days of the elderly. The comment has been made that the world Calypso Monarch, Sparrow, has written on almost anything and true to the reputation he is the only artiste I found who has dedicated a Calypso to the elderly. Midnight Grovers is closest in lamenting the neglect of the elderly by ungrateful children. Though the Gaylords have paid tribute to mother as has Shadow Flow, one would be at pains to find something specific or dedicated to the elderly.
One can find literally over 100 compositions in the last decade paying tribute to the derriere as artistes today seem to have a fixation on this part of the body. Almost every Soca, Bouyon or Dancehall release will feature the posterior as a central theme to roll, wine or jam forgetting that there will come a time, if we live long enough, when 'wine and jam 'will not be an option.
Someone asked me last week what is the difference between an artiste and an entertainer. Well, here is a typical example. The artiste is the one who brings to attention the issues of our world engaging our minds and not just our feet.
I trust that the lyrical content below will honour our elderly and inspire one of our young DJs to pull up from, or include in their repertoire, something that can bring to the fore the plight of the elderly as this song ( which I think could even be adopted as an anthem for the elderly) does so eloquently. Treat dem Right You're in the Prime of Your Life
Everything Seem so Bright
You Feel Invincible
Nothing in This World Can Stop You
Month and Years Now Fly By
And Too Late You Realise
Seeds of Discontent That You Sow
Catching to Your Tomorrow
You Wish You Could Turn it Around
But Here Comes the Setting Sun
Start to Feel the Heartaches and Pains
You Know Much Time Just Don't Remain
Then You See the Young People Laughing While Passing
You Can't Keep up You Wondering What's Happening
You Sacrifice so Hard For This Your Country
Now You Sixty Still Can't Get Social Security
Treat Them Right
This is a Call to Everybody
Treat Them Right
Treat Our Seniors with Some Dignity Treat Them Right
Morning, Excuse me, Show Some Courtesy
Treat Them Right
They Are the Pillars of Our Society
Sing With Me; Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, Oh, Ho, Ho Ho
Respect the Elderly
Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho
Treasures of Our Country
Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho
If We Forget Our Foundation
Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho
Then We Doomed as a Nation
Just You Visit the Cemetery
And I am Sure That You'll See
Age and Sizes That Have Gone
All to the Great Beyond
Some of Us, When we Young
And we Feeling Ever So Strong
So Instead f Doing Good,
We Keep Indulging In Wrong
Never Think You'll Get Old and grey
And for Misdeeds Will Pay
So You Better Live Up Today
So Good Will Come Your Way
Cause no One Have the Devine Right
To Treat the Elderly with Such Spite
Some of Them on the Streets They Roam
Alas the Finally Complete Grotto Home!
If We Had More Integrity
A Home for the Aged Just Would Not Be
To Every Destitute Elderly
There is a Capable Family
Some Never Visit You at all
Awaiting Happy Hour & Funeral
See Them Searching Up Your Will
Another Cancerous Disease
Some Elders Don't Feel At Peace
And At Night They Cannot Sleep
Aimlessly Walking Everywhere
So Many Just Disappear
Once a Man, Twice a Child
Riches and Youth, Is Just For a While
Soon They Become Just a Statistic
Found by a River or Lonely Street