I am driving down Cuba road in Mero; well, maybe I should say that I am carefully inching my way off a stretch of concrete road before I navigate my way over the rocks and gullies that form after rain on what is the ''road' we were left with prior to the last election. As I carefully navigate the "road", I remember the excitement that engulfed me when weeks before the last election I came upon a machine pulling up what was then the broken-up asphalt and concrete patches of road in preparation for what I thought would be acceptable motorable road, and I am wondering whether a new road will be our gift for the next election.

I will hasten to add that while it would be a welcome gift, the present state of the "road" would have so abused our vehicles, it would make appreciation of such gift difficult, and it would surely signify no genuine long-term interest in this part of the constituency; rather mere appeasement to attract votes.

I am not sure when last the Parliamentary Representative plied our route as there is now no need to canvass votes, but if only to feign interest in the residents and farmers who ply this route, I urge her to make some time to give attention to this part of her constituency. The purse string might be tight now considering the present situation, but when they have been loosened, I do hope that repairs to Cuba Road will be high on your "To Do" list.

Aggrieved Driver and Registered Voter