
  •  Asupporter holds up a poster of Skerrit at a party rally

    Two leaders, two styles

    It seems leadership is dying a sad little death here, if Athie Martin is to be believed, condemned to the depths of eternal darkness. Morally, logically.

  • Dr Irving Pascal

    Dr Pascal: it is a serious threat

    Dr. Irvin "Eipigh" Pascal, one of Dominica's leading medical doctors says he fears for his life following statements that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made about him in Parliament during the ...

  • Julius Timothy

    How Healthy is Health II

    Listen to Julius Timothy, the man in whose hands the fate of the country's health care system rests, and you get a sense that all is well. Health care is ...

  • Left to right: Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and UWP political leader Lennox Linton

    Follow the Leader

    To the loyal vassals, the proles and the plebeians, he remains the country's saviour.

  • UWP Electoral Reform Protest in 2009

    Electoral reform: Going somewhere slowly

    Dominica's Electoral Commission has hired a consultant to review Dominica's laws and practice of conducting general elections.

  • Lennox Linton

    Linton files defence

    Lennox Linton, the political leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has filled his defence in the court. It was filled on 21 July 2014. So, the bell to ...