Repatriation, reparation: possibility or myth?
Ian JacksonSept. 3, 2020"Back to Africa" used to be the cry of Rasta's of the late 60s and 70s, which filtered down to a back to your roots reality which translated in time ...
A review of John Grisham's "The Confession"
Ian JacksonSept. 3, 2020Probably the most popular read nowadays is the publications of the number one New York Times best-selling author, John Grisham. I must confess that I am an ardent reader and ...
Cameron Pierre puts on his musical pads
Ian JacksonSept. 3, 2020After about four decades of a musical journey from Black Roots in Dominica in the 70s to 30 years in England with the Jazz Warriors Band, Dominican Cameron Pierre the ...
The fourth basic need: Entertainment
Ian JacksonAug. 18, 2020We have been told that the three basic needs of mankind are food, clothing and shelter. I was taught this at primary school many decades ago during history and social ...
SIGNAL signals a new direction
Ian JacksonAug. 18, 2020Silently, I observing the development of Dominica's youngest band, Signal, who in spite of their youth have been able to put together some formidable, thought-provoking lyrics more frequently than their ...
Ashton Barrett: Bassist Extraordinaire
Ian JacksonAug. 18, 2020As a young man I was simply intrigued with signature bass-lines in Arrow's "Hot Hot Hot" ; Bob Marley's " Stir it up" ; Explainer's "Lorraine"; Sugar "Bum Bum" of ...
All lives matter
Ian JacksonJuly 21, 2020Being a child of the 70s I have long graduated from supporting black, white or yellow to support for the human race. I tend to believe that because no definite ...
SPORTS and CULTURE are congruent with development Part III
Ian JacksonJuly 15, 2020In part three, the final article of this series, I come back full circle to the custodians of sports and music in the country, the players and performers. We tend ...
Development is congruent with culture & sport: Part I
Ian JacksonJune 30, 2020Many would like to make us feel that there is a difference between development and culture but no, one actually hinges on the other and because we have not drawn ...
"I can't breathe"
Ian JacksonJune 24, 2020I made a call for the submission of poems for Africa Day just three weeks ago. Ironically, at the same time, African-American George Floyd became a victim of a racial ...
A house and a mango tree
Ian JacksonJune 16, 2020What's so significant about a house and a mango tree? Absolutely nothing one may say and you may be right. Houses and mango trees flourish in these parts but when ...