• Steve Joseph

    Workers want Steve

    Steve Joseph, the President of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) has not decided on how he will answer the call of the UWP to battle Reginald Austrie for the ...

  • Roselyn Paul

    Roselyn's in

    She has been a public servant for 31 years and soon she will venture into a new phase in her career- representing the people of the Paix Bouche constituency. If ...

  • Ian is a better candidate than Cabral to serve as ...

    Reference is made to an article contained in the Sun Newspaper of 14 April 2014 entitled "Three party race in Posse" in which Cabral Douglas stated his intention to contest ...

  • Gregor Nassief

    Gregor Nassief: There is Huge Potential in Tourism

    GN: Dominica has done a lot right in terms of tackling our infrastructure issues which were very serious. The impact on tourism is most obvious with the upgrade to Melville ...

  • Gregor Nassief

    Tourism: Half Full or Half Empty

    In the eyes of one man there's despair, despondency, depression.

  • FILE PHOTO: DLP supporters at a 2009 rally

    Testing Three

    It might sometimes appear to have the look and feel of the legitimist, a patrician and feudalist holding firmly onto the land, and who, surrounded by loyal vassals, is also ...

  • Dr. Martin Christmas

    Marigot's Christmas wish

    If members of the Marigot constituency of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) have their way, they will have a new candidate on the ballot paper for the upcoming general elections. ...

  • Top Left- Martin; Bottom Left- Marie; Centre-Dr. Fontaine; Right-Skerrit

    How to fix the economy

    This is a country where at least 14 per cent of the population don't have a job, and of those who do, three-quarters are working poor.

  • UWP political leader, Lennox Linton

    Lennox Linton to PM Roosevelt Skerrit: You must apologize

    If a friend invites you to her anniversary party and you do not turn up, most likely you will get a cold shoulder for many days, until you apologize. And ...

  • Eunica Anthony- Victor

    Eunica Victor Anthony promises a clean campaign

    Eunica Victor Anthony, attorney at law and United Workers Party (UWP) election candidate for the Paix Bouche constituency says the state of affairs in her constituency propelled her into politics.

  • Left to right: Fontaine, Skerrit and Marie

    Economy in Coma

    Listen carefully and you can tell they don't think that things are going well, that the nation is spent, or probably worse.

  • Dr. Nadim Shaath shows samples of essential oils at the meeting of essential oils stakeholders

    Essential Oils Industry Indispensable

    Forgive me if this sounds trite but the essential oils industry is absolutely "essential" to the survival of a large section of Dominica especially the South East. And that fact ...